Short-eared Owl flies by looking towards camera in Geneva, NY

Short-eared Owl flies by looking towards camera in Geneva, NY

gh-legged Hawk faces camera while hovering at Point Peninsula, NY

Rough-legged Hawk faces camera while hovering at Point Peninsula, NY

Northern Harrier goes into dive in the golden hour at Montezuma NWR, NY

Northern Harrier goes into dive in the golden hour at Montezuma NWR, NY

Osprey flies by with trout at Redmill Rd Swamp in Syracuse, NY

Osprey flies by with trout at Redmill Rd Swamp in Syracuse, NY

Peregrine Falcon juvenile takes flight at Montezuma NWR, Seneca Falls, NY

Peregrine Falcon juvenile takes flight at Montezuma NWR, Seneca Falls, NY

Eastern Whip-poor-will up close at Magee Marsh Nature Area, Ohio

Eastern Whip-poor-will up close at Magee Marsh Nature Area, Ohio

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