indigo bunting male poses in field of white flowers at sterling nature center in sterling, ny

indigo bunting male in flight over field at sterling nature center in sterling, ny

Field sparrow shows off his plumage on the jim schug trail in Dryden, ny  

Black-billed Cuckoo poses on branch at Beechwood State Park in Sodus, NY

Black-billed Cuckoo poses on branch at Beechwood State Park in Sodus, NY

bluebird breeding male confronts downy woodpecker intruder at nest box in south onondaga, ny

baby bluebird poses on trellis in my yard in south onondaga, ny

eastern towhee breeding male displays tailfeathers

Common Redpoll male on branch at Onondaga Lake West Shore Trail in Syracuse, NY

Baltimore oriole breeding male poses in flowering tree at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

Bobolink sings in field of colorful wildflowers in sterling, ny 

blue-gray gnatcatcher calling at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

snow bunting standing on rock at fair haven state park in sterling, ny 

Blue-gray gnatcatcher poses in evergreen at pleasant valley nature center in marcellus, ny

eastern meadowlark rises from field of dandelions in sterling, ny

yellow-bellied flycatcher full frontal close-up at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

White-eyed vireo close up at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

philadelphia vireo rclose up during big week 2024 at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

Blue-headed vireo profile pose in autumn at onondaga lake's west shore trail in syracuse, ny

golden-crowned kinglet vocalizing amid berries at onondaga lake's west shore trail in syracuse, ny

bobolink in flight over grassy field at lindsay-parsons biodiversity preserve in south danby, ny

Gray-cheeked thrush with feathers fluffed up at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

hermit thrush poses on log at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

wood thrush poses close up at magee marsh wildlife area, ohio

red-breasted nuthatch profile pose at sterling nature center in sterling, ny 

Scarlet Tanager on budding plant at Magee Marsh Nature Area, Ohio

Scarlet Tanager on budding plant at Magee Marsh Nature Area, Ohio 

red crossbill on the ground to grit at shackham road in tully, ny 

white-winged crossbill on the ground to grit at shackham road in tully, ny 

clay-colored sparrow up close on jim shug trail at dryden lake in dryden, ny

eastern KIngbird displays tailfeathers & wings along the wildlife drive at montezuma NWR in seneca falls, ny

Eastern Kingbird with chicks in nest at Ausable Marsh WMA, Peru, NY

Eastern Kingbird with chicks in nest at Ausable Marsh WMA in Peru, NY

bank swallow chicks in sand dune nest cavity cry as mom arrives with food; south sandy creek from kayak, lakeview WMA, NY 

rare boreal chickadee at grassy state park in thousand islands, ny

blue jay flies past leafy trees at pleasant valley nature preserve in marcellus, ny

Eastern Meadowlark hovers in field at Sterling Nature Center in Sterling, NY

Eastern Meadowlark hovers in field at Sterling Nature Center in Sterling, NY

Horned Lark flying over snow with wings spread in Marcellus, NY

Horned Lark flying over snow with wings spread in Marcellus, NY

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